WBCSD’s Circular Transition Indicators (CTI) Enabling Solutions Guide helps you make credible assessments of your company’s contribution to circularity.
With this guidance, we aim to support business leaders and circular solutions providers in qualifying and quantifying solutions within their portfolio that enable circularity so that they can make credible, consistent and comprehensive claims. Qualifying solutions are those that offer an improvement in the circular performance of a third party in the value chain (like customer, supplier or end-user), measured according to WBCSD’s globally recognized Circular Transition Indicators (CTI). We call this assessment of impact on third-party circular performance, a CTI Enabling Solution. The Guide enables companies to make better decisions on circular solutions, and investors to compare and prioritize the solutions that provide highest benefits.
The CTI Enabling Solutions Guide was developed in consultation with WBCSD member companies and leading organizations in the field of the circular economy.
Seize the opportunity to showcase your company’s contribution to circularity – download the guide today.
Download the Guide