Building an Inclusive Procurement Strategy: Best Practices for Advancing Nutrition through Food Service Procurement 


12 March, 2025




Transforming food systems to support both human and planetary health requires action across every stage of the value chain. Food service procurement plays a pivotal role in shaping food environments – offering a major opportunity to improve nutrition while aligning with sustainability goals. Businesses that integrate nutrition into their procurement strategies can help bridge the gap between ambition and action, ensuring that healthy and sustainable food is not only available but also prioritized. 

This report provides a starting point and best practices to help food service stakeholders navigate the complex procurement landscape and embed nutrition into decision-making processes.  

What You Will Learn 

  • The current landscape: How procurement decisions are made and where nutrition fits in. 
  • Key challenges: From budget constraints to consumer demand, what barriers exist to integrating nutrition? 
  • Best practices for success: Overarching strategies that food service operators and procurement teams can implement, including setting clear nutrition policies, fostering supplier partnerships, and leveraging data to track impact.   
  • The path forward: Broader industry-level actions and opportunities for pre-competitive collaboration, including aligning nutrition standards, improving data transparency, and balancing nutrition and sustainability goals. 

Download the full report to explore how procurement can drive healthier and more sustainable food environments, and start transforming food service procurement (in your organization) today. 

For more information about this report, please contact the Healthy & Sustainable Diets team
