Business & Society Belgium’s practical guide to sustainable purchasing and supply chain management


15 November, 2012




Business & Society Belgium practical guide to sustainable purchasing and supply chain management is now available in English. This publication is intended to serve as a practical guide that highlights the steps and methods allowing the establishment of successful sustainable purchasing strategy.

In the first part, the guide addresses the following questions: Why is a sustainable procurement policy important? What are the major challenges to overcome in order to ensure sustainability of a purchasing policy and, more generally, of the management of the value chain? In the second part, Business and Society Belgium invites you to discover 10 steps to help your company manage your procurement chain and purchases in a responsible manner. This is illustrated by numerous concrete cases and by some good practices.

The guide was presented on 16 November at the Lille World Forum, where Business & Society organised a session on sustainable supply chain management with testimonials from Janssen Pharmaceutica, Aramark Chili and Biotropical from Cameroun.

Click here to access Business and Society website and download the guide.