Disclosure in a time of transition

16 July, 2019Type
PublicationElectric utilities have a pivotal role to play in the global energy transition, leading an unprecedented transformation driven by electrification and decarbonization. The transition and development of generation and non-generation activities present great challenges. However, companies that are able to realize and implement opportunities offered by new technologies, infrastructure and customer solutions will create substantial value for their businesses and for wider society, responding to renewed climate-related public interest and consciousness.
The TCFD Electric Utilities Preparer Forum (“the Forum”) is a collaboration between CLP, EDF, EDP, EnBW, Enel, Iberdrola and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The aim of this report is to provide a snapshot, including examples, of how Forum member companies are currently providing effective climate-related financial disclosures. It includes perspectives from users of climate-related financial disclosures, including investors and other financial market participants. The report also explores some of the challenges Forum member companies face in responding to the TCFD’s recommendations and meeting the expectations of users of climate-related information.