09 June, 2016Type
PublicationMarket engagement
Energy consumption by buildings accounts for more than 20% of China’s primary energy consumption. Shanghai was the 10th market to develop an action plan on energy efficiency in buildings as part of the EEB2.0 project.
EEB lab
The EEB lab took place in February 2016 with a scope on new-build and retrofit for commercial and residential buildings. The topics included Awareness and leadership; workforce capacity; financing and policy and regulation.
Post EEB lab activities

60 local stakeholders attended the launch of the EEB Platform in Shanghai on June 15, 2016. Participants attended from throughout the private sector together with representatives from the Hongkou government.
The local coordinator of the EEB Platform, the Green Buildings Professional Partnership (GBPP), will continue to manage local action to increase EEB awareness, capacity, finance, and policy in Shanghai.
November 2016 – EEB Shanghai is organizing on November 30 a series of seminars on Finance, Capacity Building and Policy with various local governments. Contact our coordinator Joan Zhou at GBPP for details (joan.zhou@gbppchina.com).