Forest and Nature Disclosure tool


25 October, 2024




As part of the implementation phase of WBCSD-Forest Solutions Group’s Forest Sector Nature Positive Roadmap, the Forest Solutions Group, with support from Quantis, developed a tool to help companies in the forest sector prioritize metrics for assessing and disclosing on nature. 

The current beta version of the Forest and nature metrics tool contains a set of prioritized metrics that are most relevant and practical for measuring impacts of sustainable forest management. The metrics are mapped against WBCSD’s Nature-Positive Actions for the forest sector, priority relevant frameworks and regulations and different forest management types, regions and scales of measurement. Each metric has a description, the recommended unit of measurement and some contain additional information for further context.  

If you would like to test the current beta version of the tool, please reach out to Jessica da Silva ( 

The beta version of the Forest and nature metrics tool is a preliminary version for the forest sector component of the future WBCSD’s Nature Metrics Portal, planned for release in 2025. You can find out more about the plans for the Portal here


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