Harmonizing the use of nature metrics by corporations

Strategic Outline of WBCSD’s Nature Metrics Portal


23 October, 2024




This Strategic Outline presents WBCSD’s initiative to promote the harmonization of nature-related metrics used by corporations. To do so WBCSD is driving an initiative to help sustainability practitioners identify the most relevant metrics to measure progress, set targets and disclose information on their key nature impacts and dependencies, in alignment with major voluntary and regulatory frameworks. This initiative is a continuation of the Roadmaps to Nature Positive that started in 2022.

The outcomes of this initiative will be accessible via a user-friendly Nature Metrics Portal, with an initial version set to launch by the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP30) in November 2025. By facilitating access to a prioritized set of metrics, the Portal aims to accelerate corporate action and accountability on nature and drive investment to solutions that make the most significant progress on the societal goal of halting and reversing nature loss by 2030. 

This Strategic Outline details:  

  • How WBCSD’s initiative to prioritize nature-related metrics addresses some of the most pressing challenges sustainability practitioners face in advancing their nature agendas;   
  • WBCSD’s plans to scale up beyond the initial version of the Portal, to be released at COP30 in November 2025; 
  • How WBCSD’s initiative builds on, and complements existing frameworks as well as initiatives aimed at achieving similar objectives; 
  • How corporations, civil society and academia as well as philanthropies and foundations can participate in the initiative.  
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