18 December, 2016Type
PublicationThe World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) embarked in 2013 on an experiment to determine whether a localized and coordinated effort, led by the private sector, can drive the uptake in energy efficiency investment in global markets. The experimental project is called EEB 2.0 (Energy Efficient Buildings). The WBSCD has operated in 10 cities1 around the globe to evaluate how engagement of public and private stakeholders within the building ecosystem can lead to unlocking energy efficiency co-benefits that could increase market-wide energy efficiency investment. In total, the project has convened over 1000 stakeholders around the world that have willingly come together to discuss and recommend actions that address local market challenges in energy efficiency investment. Multi-stakeholder EEB platforms have been established in seven out of the ten markets to date with noted increase in public-private energy efficiency activity in these places