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Mobility as a driver of economic development

India, Tanzania, Brazil and China

As economic growth and industrialization accelerate and livelihoods and incomes improve, so the demand for mobility increases. However, in much of the developing world, demand for mobility solutions to drive economic growth continues to outpace supply, while the growing number of vehicles and other mobility solutions has not been matched by the necessary improvements in infrastructure.

Business is scaling up efforts to understand and address the sustainable mobility issues being faced by developing economies. Case studies formed a key part of the Mobility for Development project of the WBCSD Development work. They were conducted in Bangalore (India), Dar esSalaam (Tanzania), São Paulo (Brazil), and Shanghai (China) with the aim of learning more about the mobility needs and examining different solutions to some of the key mobility challenges facing these locations. A high-level dialogue was held at each case study location to test the findings against a broad range of stakeholders and get their perspective on possible solutions.