Roadmap to Nature Positive:
Examples from the built environment industry

WBCSD and its member companies have launched theRoadmap to Nature positive: Examples from the built environment industry, two cases of built environment companies leveragingWBCSD’sRoadmap to Nature Positive: Foundations for the built environment system.

These Roadmap examples serve as practical illustrations that bridge the gap between theory and industry practice. They build upon the Roadmap Foundations, a detailed guide for companies seeking a comprehensive step-by-step guide to taking nature action towards the nature positive global goal. 


These examples illustrate how companies within the built environment system are navigating their journey to nature action, offering valuable insights into the particular and specific challenges that businesses encounter on this journey.

Image Source: Business for nature (2022) High-level Business Actions on Nature

As each organization confronts a combination of unique and shared hurdles, it is important to openly share these experiences to foster collaboration among peers and support the development of effective solutions.   


It is only by working together that companies can achieve the shared objective of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. 

Disclaimer: These publications are a resource complementing WBCSD’s Roadmap to Nature Positive: Foundations for the built environment system.  These resources were written by CDL, Holcim and each publication represents the company’s perspective and position. They are by no means disclosure documents. These industry examples have been prepared for general informational purposes only and are not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, legal or other professional advice.

City Developments Limited (CDL)

Read more on CDL’s nature journey and how the company is leveraging WBCSD’s Roadmap to Nature positive: Foundations for the built environment system here.


Explore Holcim’s nature journey and how the company is leveraging of WBCSD’s Roadmap to Nature positive: Foundations for the built environment system here.


Explore Manulife Investment Management’s nature journey and how the company is leveraging of WBCSD’s Roadmap to Nature positive: Foundations for the built environment systemhere.