Shared commitment, concerted action and transparent progress

The WBCSD Forest Solutions Group (FSG) presents a global platform for strategic collaboration across the forest products value chain. Together we aim to bring more of the world’s forests under sustainable management, expand markets for responsible forest products and ensure growth and vitality of forest resources today and for future generations.

Each FSG member must demonstrate leadership and commitment to sustainable development. We publically report progress about our sustainability performance in accordance with internationally recognized reporting practices and standards.

As a sign of our shared commitment and as a condition of our FSG membership, we endorse and adhere to a set of membership principles and responsibilities. We report annually on associated key performance indicators and collect supporting information to measure and prove our joint progress in sustainability.

Download the below documents to read about the Membership Principles, Responsibilities and Key Performance Indicators

View KPI Results
View KPI Summary
View Membership Principles
View Key Performance Indicators

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