18 April, 2016Type
PublicationThis report describes SMP2.0 integrated approach for developing cities’ sustainable urban mobility plans. In this approach, cities and businesses collaborate together to first diagnose the city mobility performances via a set of 19 indicators, then define the indicator priorities for the city mobility plan and finally build it using a solution toolbox linking mobility best practices and indicators and involving a wide group ofstakeholders. Solution testing via pilots can also be done in the approach.
Appendix 1 consists in short summaries on how the process was carried out in our six demonstrator cities: Chengdu, Bangkok, Indore, Hamburg, Lisbon and Campinas.
Various outputs have come in addition to the tailored mobility plans such as nation-wide recommendation of filtering lanes in India, integration of solutions in Hamburg coalition treaty, introduction of flexible working time, park and ride, shuttles sharing, traffic flow management as pilots in Bangkok, first citizen survey in Campinas in 20 years, etc. The indicator set has been endorsed by the European Commission and it will encourage cities to calculate the indicators potentially with financial support.