23 January, 2018Type
PublicationState of current circular trends and practices in companies
Corporate leaders are increasingly seeing the business and societal value of strategies to re-use and recycle resources-and are moving toward what’s commonly known as a “circular economy.” This approach rethinks the traditional “take- make- dispose” economic model, and envisions a new model that is regenerative by design.
The business benefits are expansive. Innovations that foster resource reuse can, for example, make companies less dependent on scarce inputs, increase operational efficiency and enable new offerings that attract customers and deepen existing relationships. It’s been estimated that the transition to the circular economy could unlock USD $4.5 trillion of GDP growth worldwide by 2030.1 The societal benefits are also numerous-making it easier to shelter, feed and clothe the 8.5 billion people expected to inhabit the planet by 2030.
This report is the result of research which included a survey of 78 managers from a variety of industries around the world, and one-on-one interviews with leaders to understand best practices.