The Regional Network: Thinking globally, acting locally


16 November, 2009



This brochure provides a snapshot of how RN partner organizations put sustainable development into practice.

Specially featured in this year’s edition are the energy and climate activities of the partner organizations in the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

The Network is one of the WBCSD’s most important assets. It greatly contributes to the dissemination of the WBCSD’s messages and tools — and to promote the implementation of concrete projects on the ground. To highlight the synergies with the global organization, activities have classified according to the WBCSD´s Focus Areas and projects.

In a changing global context, characterized by the ascent of emerging economies outside the core of industrialized countries, the Regional Network provides an important conduit to engage a wider set of new global players. Regional Network partners add legitimacy and value to the WBCSD’s activities by providing regional perspectives.

Click here to order this report on (Product code: WBCSD0153)