16 April, 2018Type
PublicationEnvironmental Key Performance Indicators for Tire Manufacturing 2009-2021
The Tire Industry Project has commissioned an independent third party to identify and report on environmental key performance indicators (KPIs) related to tire manufacturing operations. This fifth TIP report on environmental KPIs presents an up-to-date vision of the evolution of the sector’s environmental performance for its tire manufacturing operations by disclosing both absolute and intensity KPIs for the years 2009-2021. These KPIs are a common set of measurements that can be used to assist individual company efforts to improve tire manufacturing environmental performance.
Tire Product Category Rules (PCR)
Tire Product Category Rules (PCR)
In order to better understand the environmental impact of tires, TIP has invested in the development of a Product Category Rules (PCR) document, an industry-specific guideline that manufacturers follow in determining product environmental impacts for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). TIP developed a first-of-its-kind PCR that is technically comprehensive, global in scope, and enables consistency of evaluation. By doing so, TIP is taking proactive steps to support the creation of EPDs for tires, a tool that will allow the industry to improve environmental transparency and better assess ways to improve its environmental footprint.