Episode Title: Episode 7: The Narrative of Business: The Importance of Language with Long-Term Business Strategy
Episode Guest: Michael Maslansky, Chief Executive Officer, Maslansky+Partners
In this episode, Bill interviews Michael Maslansky, Chief Executive Officer, Maslansky+Partners, a strategic consultancy and linguistics firm that uses language as the foundation for solving business challenges. The two discuss the challenges companies are facing in a world where environmental performance has moved from voluntary disclosure to required disclosures in an increasing number of markets around the world, and how that information is presented and consumed. These issues are increasingly polarized, and audiences will be paying attention to the words companies are using. With that, Bill and Michael discuss recent research Maslansky+Partners conducted with WBCSD on what consumers expect from businesses. The survey results indicated that across broad political spectrum, consumers believe companies have a responsibility beyond their shareholders – and this becomes the lens through which to discuss these issues that is less polarizing and more effective. Bill and Michael speak about how connecting climate action with the term “responsible business” is an important way to align language with long-term business strategy.