WBCSD’s cornerstone Vision 2050 report


16 December, 2010




The WBCSD’s cornerstone Vision 2050 report calls for a new agenda for business laying out a pathway to a world in which nine billion people can live well, and within the planet’s resources, by mid-century. The report is a consensus piece that was compiled by 29 leading global companies from 14 industries and is the result of an 18 month long combined effort between CEOs and experts, and dialogues with more than 200 companies and external stakeholders in some 20 countries.

The report features a set of agreed must haves. They represent vital developments that the report’s stakeholders hope organizations will consider putting in place within the next decade, to help ensure a steady course towards global sustainability is set. Ultimately, they are intended to provide a springboard for dialogue and debate.

Must haves include:

  • Incorporating the costs of externalities, starting with carbon, ecosystem services and water, into the structure of the marketplace; 
  • Doubling agricultural output without increasing the amount of land or water used;
  • Halting deforestation and increasing yields from planted forests;
  • Halving carbon emissions worldwide (based on 2005 levels) by 2050 through a shift to low-carbon energy systems;
  • Improved demand-side energy efficiency, and providing universal access to low-carbon mobility.

Vision 2050, with its best-case scenario for sustainability and pathways for reaching it, is a tool for thought leadership and a platform for beginning the dialogue that must take place to navigate the challenging years to come.

Poster & Mural

Vision 2050 Poster and “Pathway To A Sustainable 2050” Mural

The results of the WBCSD’s Vision 2050 Project has been captured visually in:

  • Information mural: The mural includes all 10 tracks (e.g. energy, food, forests, transportation, governance, buildings, materials, etc.) of the project. 350 milestones are described. Also included are 40 “must have” milestones – those that must be accomplished within a tight time frame for the world to have a chance to accomplish its sustainable vision by the year 2050. Measures of success for each individual track are indicated;
  • Vision 2050 poster: The Vision 2050 poster sets out the 22 dimensions of the WBCSD’s Vision of a sustainable world in 2050.

Options to obtain your own copy of the Pathway 2050 Mural (4ft x 14ft) & Vision 2050 (3ft x 3ft) Poster
Order from: 

Vision 2050
Foresight Canada
Toll free in North America 1-888-673-3537
+1-403-673-3537 voice
+1-403-673-2114 fax
Price: (in Canadian or USA dollars)

1 set: US$595.00 per set, plus GST (if applicable), plus shipping

2 to 10 sets: US$495.00 per set, plus GST (if applicable), plus shipping

11 to 1002 sets: US$395.00 per set, plus GST (if applicable), plus shipping

To examine/print copies of the Vision 2050 Mural and Poster
Download a pdf of the Mural and Poster in order to print your own paper copy locally: 

How to use the Mural
Download the two-page, fully illustrated document How Can the Vision 2050 Pathway Info-Mural be Used?

Further help
This unique set of visual information will stimulate deeper understanding and dialogue within companies and with suppliers and customers. For further information on how these murals can be used to stimulate strategy, planning, and communication, contact the Vision 2050 project synthesizer, Bob Horn by phone at +1 (415) 775-7377 or email him at hornbob@earthlink.net