30 June, 2020Type
PublicationToday, the Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) published its third Progress Report, providing updates on progress toward ambitious traceability targets, and insights into its expanding efforts to establish landscape approaches to advance sustainable practices in the Brazilian Cerrado.
Since December 2019, SCF members have made significant progress towards achieving traceability to farm for direct sources in the 25 Priority Municipalities. All member companies are on track to deliver on this target by end of the year, or earlier.
In line with its ambition to engage producers at landscape level in key risk areas, the SCF has also established partnerships with international network organization Solidaridad and with the Produce, Conserve, Include (PCI) initiative in Matopiba and Mato Grosso respectively, to engage soy producers and other value chain stakeholders and identify pragmatic solutions to the common challenge of sustaining long-term soy production while protecting natural habitats.