WBCSD’s Avoided Emissions work expands focus towards standardization, implementation and financing

In a world striving for a net-zero emissions future, businesses have the challenge of developing credible ways to measure their contributions to decarbonization. Primarily, companies need to measure and reduce their own greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint (i.e., scope 1, 2 and 3 inventory) on their path to net-zero emissions. However, they are both sources of […]

WBCSD’s Center for Decarbonization Demand Acceleration

WBCSD’s Center for Decarbonization Demand Acceleration /* widget: One Page Scroll Navigation */ #uc_bullet_one_page_scroll_navigation_elementor_78a38a30 .uc_nav-menu{ margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } #uc_bullet_one_page_scroll_navigation_elementor_78a38a30 a.ue-menu-item { display:flex; position:relative; align-items:center; } #uc_bullet_one_page_scroll_navigation_elementor_78a38a30 .uc_nav-menu a.ue-menu-item .ue-menu-item-icon { display:inline-block; position:relative; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; line-height:1em; transition:0.3s; } #uc_bullet_one_page_scroll_navigation_elementor_78a38a30 .uc_nav-menu a.ue-menu-item .ue-menu-item-icon svg { width:1em; height:1em; } […]

Avoided Emissions

Avoided Emissions /* widget: One Page Scroll Navigation */ #uc_bullet_one_page_scroll_navigation_elementor_f76c9c5 .uc_nav-menu{ margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } #uc_bullet_one_page_scroll_navigation_elementor_f76c9c5 a.ue-menu-item { display:flex; position:relative; align-items:center; } #uc_bullet_one_page_scroll_navigation_elementor_f76c9c5 .uc_nav-menu a.ue-menu-item .ue-menu-item-icon { display:inline-block; position:relative; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; line-height:1em; transition:0.3s; } #uc_bullet_one_page_scroll_navigation_elementor_f76c9c5 .uc_nav-menu a.ue-menu-item .ue-menu-item-icon svg { width:1em; height:1em; } #uc_bullet_one_page_scroll_navigation_elementor_f76c9c5 .uc_nav-menu a.ue-menu-item .ue-menu-tooltip […]

The Climate Drive

Upskilling at scale is crucial to reach Net Zero but comes with challenges, including limited time and resources, as well as the number and variety of stakeholders to engage across value chains. Developed in collaboration with 70+ WBCSD member companies to support their supply chain decarbonization efforts, The Climate Drive offers two main resources: 1) […]

Heat-as-a-Service in action: Insights from early renewable heat projects 

Decarbonizing heat generation and use in industries represents a major challenge in the energy transition. Heat accounts for most of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for industrial businesses in sectors such as food and beverage, paper and pulp, fast-moving consumer goods, and chemicals. In 2021, the way we generated and used heat was responsible […]

32 Businesses Meet to Accelerate India’s Industrial Transition and Transport Decarbonization

Mumbai, India, 24 June 2024: The CEOs and C-level executives of 32 forward-thinking companies convened during the inaugural World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) India Connect event in Mumbai and agreed to collectively address industrial greenhouse gases emissions and accelerate market readiness of hydrogen development and road freight decarbonization. As part of WBCSD’s Industrial […]

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