Jennifer Smith

Director, Enhancing Transparency, Corporate Performance and Accountability

Jennifer is Director for Enhancing Transparency as part of WBCSD’s Coporate Performance & Accountability work. 

Prior to joining WBCSD, Jennifer worked at Shell where she was leading the team responsible for the delivery of Shell’s sustainability disclosures in the company’s Annual and Sustainability Reports, as well as management of disclosures for investor and customer ESG ratings.  

​She brings 20 years of experience as a Chartered Accountant specializing in Corporate Tax, moving into Sustainable Finance in 2021 when she joined Shell’s Corporate Relations team as Senior Policy & Advocacy Adviser for Finance and Tax in the Responsible Business team.  Starting in this role coincided with the announcement of the ISSB, the start of the implementation of the EU Taxonomy at Shell and development of the CSRD, all of which required extensive internal coordination and external advocacy through Shell’s participation in EU and global industry and trade bodies.  It was in this role that she was also first introduced to WBCSD, supporting Shell’s CFO and Group Financial Controller as Shell’s focal point for the CFO Network. ​

Jennifer is based in London, having moved there in 2020, and enjoys taking advantage of the city for theatre going, park walks for some iPhone photography opportunities, and cycling (though primarily in sunny weather!)​