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Quentin Drewell

Senior Director, Products & Materials

As the Products & Materials Senior Director at the WBCSD, Quentin is responsible for mobilising collective action with WBCSD members to drive circular economy impact at global scale. Having joined in September 2023, Quentin has oversight of the projects within the Products and Materials pathway, and is partner representative to the Circular Electronics Partnership.

Quentin has extensive experience in managing complex multi-stakeholder sustainability projects in an international context, having previously led Accenture’s work on the Circular Economy, working with a range of Fortune 500 companies to design new businesses models and realise competitive advantage from going circular. He has also been project advisor to the World Economic Forum on the circular economy and sustainable production, having set up the annual circular economy awards programme, “The Circulars”, and worked on the development of PACE – the ‘Platform to Accelerate the Circular Economy’ – a network of regional platforms to stimulate public-private action towards regenerative economic and ecological systems.

He has particular knowledge of sustainability in the built environment, having worked on sustainability strategies for masterplans and developments and helped portfolios achieve their net zero ambitions.

Quentin holds an MA from the University of Cambridge, a Post Graduate Diploma from the University of Portsmouth, an MBA from the University of Bradford focussing on the business issues surrounding the low carbon economy. He is a full member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) and is a Chartered Environmentalist.

Quentin lives in Kent UK with his wife and two sons.